
Course Description
The Trade Practical will assist trainees in obtaining an international equivalency standard, allowing their skill proficiency and competency to be recognized across the globe, while also expanding the scope of prior learning recognition and providing opportunities for lifelong learning and skill development. Students will also have the chance to foster lifelong learning and skill development.
This course illuminates the Sketching of lines by freehand, Masonry, Foundation, Temporary structures, Treatment for building, Wall openings, Chain surveying, Compass surveying, Plane table surveying, Levelling, Theodolite survey, Carpentry, Electrical wiring, Pitched roof, Types of ground & upper floors.
What you will learn?
✔ Practice on fire extinguishers
✔ Complete glance on drawing sheet and title block
✔ Prepare site plan with the help of Mouza map
✔ Traverse survey and check the close surveying
✔ Practice on locating boundaries with interior details by radiation method
✔ Simple levelling and Differential levelling
✔ Calculate missing data in levelling survey
✔ Map reading of contours and topography map
✔ Establishing a line at a given angle closed traverse
✔ Three quarter turn stairs
✔ Preparation of site map and modules