
Course Description
Workshop Calculation & Science 2nd Year will offer assistance to the learners to urge a worldwide equivalency standard where their aptitude capability and competency will be appropriately recognized over the globe this will increment the scope of acknowledgement of earlier learning.
This course is very simple, organized and takes you to start the journey of learning Friction, Centre of Gravity, Algebra, Elasticity, Heat Treatment, Profit and Loss, Area of cut out regular surfaces and area of irregular surfaces, Estimation and Costing.
What you will learn?
✔ Laws of friction, coefficient of friction, angle of friction, Problems related to Friction
✔ Centre of gravity and its practical applications
✔ Problems on Algebra
✔ Elasticity
✔ Heat Treatment
✔ Problems on Area of cut out regular surfaces and area of irregular surfaces
✔ Estimation and Costing
✔ Problems on Profit and Loss