
Course Description
The Mechanic Diesel Trade Theory will help trainees in achieving an international equivalency standard that will allow their skill proficiency and competency to be recognized across the globe, as well as expanding the scope of prior learning recognition and providing opportunities for lifelong learning and skill development.
This course demystifies Safety workshop practices, Measuring, marking & workshop tools, Fastening and fitting, Electrical and electronics, Arc & Gas Welding, Hydraulics and pneumatics, Specifications and service equipment, Diesel engine components, intake and exhaust system, Emission control system, Charging and starting system, Marine & stationary engine, Diesel fuel system.
What you will learn?
✔ Practice of Personal safety and Safety precautions in handling diesel machines
✔ Handling and testing of workshop equipment and disposal of used engine oil
✔ Practice on saving electrical energy
✔ Measuring piston ring end gap and piston to cylinder clearance
✔ Practice on measuring height by using depth micrometer
✔ Practice on handling workshop tools and power tools
✔ Potential difference and polarity of IR voltage drops
✔ Transistors and classification
✔ Principles of arc welding brief description classification and applications
✔ Main parts of Internal Combustion engine
✔ Camshaft, Piston rings
✔ Practice on hacksawing and filing
✔ Fuel tank and fuel pipes
✔ Removing and replacing the timing and engine drive belts
✔ Practice on reverse flushing radiator
✔ Overhauling and testing of an alternator