
Course Description
The Draughtsman Trade Theory will help trainees in achieving an international equivalency standard that will allow their skill proficiency and competency to be recognized across the globe, as well as expanding the scope of prior learning recognition and providing opportunities for lifelong learning and skill development.
This course demystifies Basic engineering drawing, Types of curves, Dimensioning and scales, Projections, Freehand sketching, Development of surfaces and solids, Intersection of solids, Types of projection, Chain surveying, Compass surveying, Plane table surveying, Levelling and contouring, Theodolite, Carpentry joints, Vertical movement, Electrical wiring, Roof & roof covering.
What you will learn?
✔ Occupational safety and health
✔ Types of fire extinguishers
✔ Quadrilaterals and their properties
✔ Layout of drawing sheet and title block
✔ Parabolic curves and Cycloidal curves
✔ Projection of plane figures
✔ Freehand technical sketching of machine parts/components
✔ Intersection of surfaces
✔ Isometric projection and Oblique projection
✔ Knowledge of Mouza map
✔ Magnetic declination and local attraction
✔ Traversing method and Resection method of plane table survey
✔ Longitudinal sectioning and cross-sectioning
✔ Fundamental axes and geometry of Theodolite
✔ Carpentry joints
✔ Domestic wiring installation
✔ Types of electrical supply
✔ Roof covering for pitched roofs